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Chemo Round Three – Done!

We didn’t post in a while. Zeus had his third round of chemo this past Wednesday. I was super anxious about this one because he was scheduled for x-rays prior to getting the treatment. All clear!! Blood work – all clear as well!

This boy amazes me and teaches me how to live my own life. He does not worry about any of these results. He does not think about it. Living in the moment, as cliche as it sounds. is really the point. All he cares about it getting as much fun and attention as possible from as many people as possible, playing with his buddies, getting his treats, sniffing butts, taking over our bed (one of us sleeps on the couch most nights :)). Every day is a new adventure! He has mastered going up and down stairs, running up and down hills, through bushes, jumping up on benches so he can sit in my lap and “people watch” – because that’s what big dogs are, lap dogs.

A few days after the surgery Zeus desperately wanted to shake-off however he just could not find the balance. It took him a while but he mastered that as well! (most of the video is me admiring my surroundings but the point was to show how well he shakes off now..::))

Zeus in his element:

This is how we travel now – two in the back one in the front:

Zeus posing for pictures:

“no more pictures, k?”

Ok, maybe a video then!

Sending love and strength to all!!

3 thoughts on “Chemo Round Three – Done!”

  1. I love that one of you sleeps on the couch! It makes me feel normal! We got a bigger bed to accommodate our big girl, but one of us always ends up in the guest room or on the floor (and I’m not talking about the dog).
    So glad that Zeus is continuing to do well!

    1. Yes, totally normal. We took our bed frame out. We just have a mattress on the floor to make it easier for zeus to get on and off – but this now makes it a bit harder for us to get on and off lol

  2. Oh my dog you have no idea how badly I needed this today. Zeus you are SO AMAZING!

    Not only is he the most handsomest Vizsla ever, but dang you’ve got the treeing down to a science. What a blast watching you get back into your groove. Cheers to clear x-rays too, we are sooo hoppy for you my friend.

    Keep on livin’ large and Being More Dog. You are one strong pack, guys! xoxo

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